Prevention is the key
Did you know that 90% of type 2 diabetes, 80% of coronary artery disease, and 70% of all strokes are preventable by a combination of healthy eating and lifestyle habits? [1] [2]
Have you heard that the rising global epidemic of obesity –“globesity”- is a key contributor to some of the leading causes of chronic disease and death? [3]
Genetics and epigenetics
I know, I keep on hearing ‘But, Marisa, my grandfather had type 2 and my father has type 2 diabetes, so there’s nothing I can do, I will develop type 2 diabetes for sure!’ Well, the good news is that our genes don’t necessarily determine our destiny. Actually we can do more than we once thought. The relatively new study of epigenetics suggests that genes can be turned on or off depending on our behaviour and environmental factors [4]. Things like the food we eat, exercise, sleep, stress, smoking, and toxins play an important role in gene expression. So more than ever, our destiny is in our hands… and on our plates!
A word of wisdom
As Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said back in 431 B.C. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.
Below is a sampling of the health areas that can be improved with personalized nutrition and lifestyle changes:
health areas //
Personalized meal plans and bespoke lifestyle strategies to address your individual needs, tastes and weight-loss goals. Because no one diet fits all!
sports nutrition //
Targeted nutrition using the latest technology to get your macros right and lifestyle hacks to fuel your workouts to the max. A personalized approach cause not all sports and not all individuals require the same nutrition.
type 2 diabetes prevention //
fertility & pregnancy //
Strategies to help prevent type 2 diabetes with nutrition and lifestyle. Because we now know that 90% of type 2 diabetes could be prevented with healthy eating and lifestyle habits. [1] [2]
Focused nutrition and lifestyle to support fertility and pregnancy. Did you know that the mother’s nutritional status at the time of conception is an important factor of foetal growth and development? [5] Therefore a healthy balanced diet is important not only during pregnancy but even before.
specific diet implementation //
optimum health & disease prevention //
An in-depth study of your current diet and lifestyle patterns, dietary recommendations to target possible nutrient deficiencies and increase the nutritional density of your meals, along with lifestyle strategies, all together to support optimal health and, as much as possible, prevent chronic disease in the long term.
Have you recently been diagnosed with Coeliac disease and need support implementing a gluten-free diet? Have you decided to go vegetarian and want to know how to combine foods to make sure your nutrition needs are met? Those and many other types of diets could be enhanced for optimum health (i.e. Paleo, autoimmune Paleo 'AIP', vegan, FODMAPs etc.).
...and more!
Book a complementary
'30-minute Breakthrough Session' with me!
This a totally FREE 30-minute session with me to help us find out if the Nutraholics approach is right for you. During this session we will discover what's holding you back and look at ways I could help you develop a successful plan to reach your health goals.
Get in touch with me to schedule a FREE 30 minute call, via phone or Skype, to discuss your individual needs and see how I could help you, without commitment.
👉Book your FREE '30-minute Breakthrough Session' with me NOW.
1. Willett, W. (2002). Balancing life-style and genomics research for disease prevention. Science, [online].296(5568). 695–698. Available here.
2. Gillespie, N. and Lenz, T. (2011). Implementation of a Tool to Modify Behavior in a Chronic Disease Management Program. Advances in Preventive Medicine, [online].vol. 2011, Article ID 215842, 5 pages. Available here.
3. WHO (n.d.). Controlling the global obesity epidemic. World Health Organization (WHO). Available here.
4. Hyman, M. (2016). Is Predisposition Pre-destiny? Dr. Hyman official website, [online]. Available here.
5. Williamson, C. (2006). Nutrition in pregnancy. British Nutrition Foundation, Nutrition Bulletin, [online]31:28–59. Available here.
disclaimers //
Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any health condition. Dietary and lifestyle changes can help enhance the functioning of different systems and organs of the body and improve health and wellbeing in general. Any health conditions or symptoms should be discussed first with a health care professional.
The information and content on Nutraholics websites, Nutraholics social media, provided by email, or during consultation (in-clinic or online), is not intended to replace an individual relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Any application of the recommendations on Nutraholics websites, social media and in personal or group consultations, in-person, by phone, or by Skype, is at the readers' discretion and sole risk. All information and content is for general knowledge only. It is advisable to consult your doctor/s before making changes in your diet and lifestyle, as well as before taking any nutritional supplement.